Module 4 of 6


Learning Outcomes

After completing this module you should:

  • Know what packaging comes with NOCTURNAL™ lenses
  • Know what solutions to prepare for your patient
  • Be able to instruct on correct application
  • Be able to instruct on correct removal
  • Prepare your patient for their first night’s wear


Don’t forget that for your patients this is a life moment – the prospect of seeing without correction during the day – so let them have an unboxing experience.

  • The box includes
    • Lenses
    • Sucker for dropped lenses/removal
    • Mirror to aid application
    • Comprehensive lens wear guide
    • IFU packaging
  • You will need to provide
    • Multipurpose solution (any suitable for GP lenses)
    • PF wetting drops for insertion


  • Apply topical anaesthetic for the first learning appointment
    • This avoids distraction when learning lens handling
    • Have the patients apply and remove the lens multiple times following the techniques described in the lens handling booklet


  • Have the patients remove the lens multiple times following the techniques described in the lens handling booklet
  • Full patient instruction videos are available here


Check the fluorescein fit of the lens before the patient removes the lenses for the last time.

  • Check the patient has inserted without trapping a bubble
  • Ensure the lens looks an appropriate diameter
  • The lens should have some movement with blink
  • There should be a bullseye pattern, but it can vary significantly in the open eye without having an impact on correction
  • Check distance VA with the lens in is adequate
  • Provide the patient any information they need for the scheduled appointment following wear


  • If legally permitted use anesthetic for the patients learning lens application and removal
  • Patients should be able to insert the lenses without trapping bubbles
  • Provide a suitable GP care solution and PF wetting drops for lens insertion